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How can i buy bitcoin from private parties

how can i buy bitcoin from private parties

Every visitor to Buy Bitcoin Worldwide should consult a professional financial advisor before engaging in such practices. Approach the machine and follow its instructions. Avoid throwing money into coins which are experiencing a sudden and dramatic spike in price and volume. Similar thing happened to me in Perth, Western Australia. Chapter 3 Payment Methods. Insert cash into the machine and pay for the order. The above was just a brief overview of where you can buy bitcoin.

A beginner’s guide to Bitcoin Private: how it works and how to buy BTCP in the US.

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. I want to buy some bitcoins. Ideally, I would like to buy them how can i buy bitcoin from private parties the MtGox exchange because the consensus seems to be that this is the most reputable exchangehowever I have found the system for transferring O to MtGox to be very disappointing. I would have liked to be able to add funds with PayPal or directly with a credit card, however both of these are acn possible. The full process is explained. You can use Local Bitcoins and perhaps find someone in your area to sell nuy Bitcoins with cash or even someone not in your area to sell you Bitcoins with Paypal or a credit card.

With Cash or Credit Card

how can i buy bitcoin from private parties
Before Bitcoin became famous, people used to believe that Bitcoin was anonymous. Lots of people want to know how they can get bitcoins without using an ID. And there also are certain tricks and tips one should follow to stay anonymous. So to fulfill the needs of such users, today I am going to discuss some of the best ways to buy bitcoins without an ID. But one needs to keep in mind that nothing is a free lunch, and this extra anonymity comes with a cost.

How to buy bitcoin with cash?

By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policyand our Terms of Service. I want to buy some bitcoins. Ideally, I would like to buy them on the MtGox exchange because the consensus seems to be that this is the most reputable exchangehowever I have found the system for transferring USD to MtGox to be very disappointing.

I would have liked to be able to add funds with PayPal or directly with a credit card, however both of these are not possible. The full process is explained. You can use Local Bitcoins and perhaps find someone in your area to sell you Bitcoins with cash or even someone not in your area to sell you Bitcoins with Paypal or a credit card.

However CFDs are for more experience traders and your capital is at risk so take that into account. If you have a Paypal Bitfoin card you can actually connect it to your Circle account and use the funds on your card to get BTC. This is relevant to US residents. Same thing goes for credit cards.

Currently some options for credit cards are CoinMamaCircle or Cubits. I did some more digging on bitcoin. According to the FAQ and the list of payment methodsthe reason that Paypal and Credit Cards are not accepted is to prevent fraud by doing a fraudulent charge-back.

For this reason, none of the exchanges accept these as forms of payment. Edit: I did have some luck buying some Bitcoins using Paypal using bitcoin-otc.

It takes a bit of setup and it’s a bit more expensive, and you can’t buy in significant quantities but it’s possible you can find someone willing to sell to unrated users liked I did. Here’s an approach. And finally, there is the ability to deposit cash at a bank presuming you are in the U. If you are a U. Such services usually take a very high fee. CoinPal was a great service when it ran, and they said they’re considering returning with credit card payments. They know what they’re doing so prlvate may actually pull it off.

They accept cash deposits US only and are also supposed to speed up the different transfers they allow. For example, from dwolla, paxum or liberty reserve to mtgox or tradehill. I haven’t tried it myself. Qiwi charges 0. It is relatively safe, and is much safer now that PayPal acknowledges bitcoin and does not shut down people’s accounts for using PayPal for Bitcoin related activities.

Brawker solves this by letting you fulfill fiat currency orders for other people, which then release BTC for you upon completion of the order. Coinbase is pretty much the standard most people use. There ffom other sites, with varying degrees of reliability and legitimacy. I’d stick with CB. Privatd rather new exchange, but it’s run by financial company, website is PCI compliant so using exchange is a reliable way to buy bitcoins with credit card. Virwox Exchange is my favorite. For detailed instructions check.

Home Questions Tags Users Unanswered. Ask Question. Asked 8 years ago. Active 8 months ago. Viewed k times. Liberty Reserve, Ccan, and Paxum seem to be the financial institutions of choice for MtGox and the rest of the exchanges. Is any of these simple to fund using a credit card, or are they all basically PayPal analogues which Paxum seems to be that require a large amount of setup? If it is not possible for MtGox, is there another, hopefully reputable, exchange that I can use PayPal or a Credit Card to buy bitcoins with?

Kozuch 1, 3 3 gold badges 11 11 silver badges 26 26 bronze badges. WirthLuce WirthLuce 1, 1 1 gold badge 11 11 silver badges 10 10 bronze badges. You should be able to send money by credit card via Western Union to one of the services supported by one of the bitoin exchanges. It’s impractical and the fees will probably be high. Related question: bitcoin. Read the comments on answers — some things have changed.

Having said that there are still a few ways you can buy Bitcoin with Paypal a. Maybe they should’ve called it a BitBlock instead of BitCoin. In short, you cannot directly use these to buy bitcoins at exchanges. This is simply incorrect today speaking from PayPal’s user agreement prohibits the use of their payment network for buying digital currency.

Glorfindel 2 2 gold badges 5 5 silver badges 12 12 bronze badges. Stephen Gornick Stephen Gornick You can fund bitcoins with ACH bank using coinbase. May have been the case, seems it no longer is under the TOS applicable here: paypal. Buying bitcoins for credit card or Ca is very problematic, but all hope is not yet lost.

Meni Rosenfeld Meni Rosenfeld I strongly recommend not using such services. They are doomed to fail for a very simple reason — they have to cn high fees, legitimate users are generally not willing to pay high fees, but scammers always are since it’s not their money. Thus most users of frpm services will inevitably be scammers, and the business will collapse — possibly while holding your money. DavidSchwartz — good point. DavidSchwartz: I understand your sentiment but I’ll have to disagree.

First, because these transactions should complete in a matter of minutes, and the chance the business will collapse with your money in a few minutes is slim.

Second, because this doesn’t apply to services which know what they’re doing — CoinPal with its anti-fraud mechanisms offered reasonable fees and did not have a problem with fraud, only with PayPal freezing. They should complete in a matter of minutes. Whether they will when the company is collapsing is another story. CoinPal succeeded for a time because they made PayPal deal with the fraud, which of course is something PayPal is not willing to.

You can only pass your costs privatd to someone else for so long. The fact is, it costs more to support reversible transactions and that cost will have to be passed on. Honest customers have no reason to pay that fee. Fraudsters have no reason not to. I think this is an inherent problem. PayPal forwards fraud costs to the merchant, they don’t absorb. CoinPal succeeded and had very few chargebacks because they had heuristics to identify suspicious customers. PayPal froze their account because of their policies, not because of fraud.

You cannot turn paypal into bitcoin but you can do it the other way. Not really an answer, should have been a comment — the question is about buying, not selling. Pliny Pliny 21 1 1 bronze badge. Looks like a parked domain.

Stephen Gornick As for now, I can’t open this site. Probably, it closed down quite a while ago, because this business became too prkvate or tricky from its owner’s point of view. Marat Arguinbaev Marat Arguinbaev 86 4 4 bronze badges. Nobody Mr. Nobody 2 2 silver badges 11 11 bronze badges. Your answer was moved to a canonical question due to its original parent question being a duplicate.

Please check if you need to update your post to make it a good fit on this topic. Thank you. Marc Alexander Marc Alexander 3 3 silver badges 16 16 bronze badges. Sorry — you should explain better bitcoiin the businness there is lending bicoins, not selling.

Or at least update the FAQ and add optional buying transactions as valid — if they are valid. Purchasing disabled — Unfortunately we are currently having some funding issues, any orders that have been placed will get processed. Site will come back up when funds arrive frkm, so I think not so good.

Nobody Jun 11 ’17 at How can the be the best if bltcoin can’t how can i buy bitcoin from private parties them? Also, did you not notice the word «reliable» in the title? Welcome to Bitcoin.

How to Buy or Sell Bitcoin Cash Anonymously in 2019

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Altcoins are traded globally on hundreds of exchanges. You can read through our Bitcoin wallet guide to find a wallet. Any such advice should be sought independently of visiting Buy Bitcoin Paeties. If the limits on one exchange are to low you can simply open an account with another exchange to give yourself the ability to buy. How to buy bitcoin with cash?


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